Publications in neurosciences: Basal ganglia physiology

Vidéo extraite du MOOC Maladie de Parkinson. Université de Nantes et FUN-MOOC.
Basal ganglia: control and abnormal development
LOZOVAYA N, EFTEKHARI S, HAMMOND C (2023). The early excitatory action of striatal cholinergic-GABAergic microcircuits conditions the subsequent GABA inhibitory shift. Commun Biol. 2023 Jul 14;6(1):723. doi: 10.1038/s42003-023-05068-7.
PEARLSTEIN E, GOUTY-COLOMER LA, MICHEL FJ, CLOAREC R, HAMMOND C (2015). Glutamatergic synaptic currents of nigral dopaminergic neurons follow a postnatal developmental sequence. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 2015 9:1-12. doi:10.3389/fncel.2015.00210
PEARLSTEIN E, MICHEL FJ, SAVE L, FERRARI DC (2016). Abnormal development of glutamatergic synapses afferent to dopaminergic neurons of the Pink1(-/-) mouse model of Parkinson disease. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 2016, 10:168. doi: 10.3389/fncel.2016.00168
DEHORTER N, VINAY L, HAMMOND C, BEN ARI Y (2012). Timing of developmental sequences in different brain structures: physiological and pathological implications.. European Journal of Neuroscience, 2012, 35:1846–1856.
DEHORTER N, LOZOVAYA N, MDZOMBA BJ, MICHEL FJ, LOPEZ C, TSINTSADZE V, KLIKENBERG M, GISPERT S, AUBURGER G, HAMMOND C (2012). Subthalamic Lesion or Levodopa Treatment Rescues Giant GABAergic Currents of PINK1-Deficient Striatum. J Neuroscience 2012, 32:18047–18053
FERRARI DC, MDZOMBA BJ, DEHORTER N, LOPEZ C, MECHEL FJ, LIBERSAT F, HAMMOND C (2012). Midbrain dopaminergic neurons generate calcium and sodium currents and release dopamine in the striatum of pups. Front Cell Neurosci. 2012, 6:7. doi: 10.3389/fncel.2012.00007
DEHORTER N, MICHEL FJ, MARISSAL T, ROTROU Y, MATROT B, LOPEZ C, HUMPHRIES MD, HAMMOND C (2011). Onset of Pup Locomotion Coincides with Loss of NR2C/D-Mediated Cortico-Striatal EPSCs and Dampening of Striatal Network Immature Activity. Front Cell Neurosci 2011, 5:24.
Basal ganglia: adult dysfunction and repair
LOZOVAYA N, BEN-ARI Y, HAMMOND C (2018). Striatal dual cholinergic /GABAergic transmission in Parkinson disease: friends or foes? Cell Stress, 2(6):147-149. doi: 10.15698/cst2018.06.142.
LOZOVAYA N, EFTEKHARI S, CLOAREC R, GOUTY-COLOMER LA, DUFOUR A, RIFFAULT B, BILLON-GRAND M, PONS-BENNACEUR A, OUMAR N, BURNASHEV N, BEN-ARI Y, HAMMOND C (2018). GABAergic inhibition in dual-transmission cholinergic and GABAergic striatal interneurons is abolished in Parkinson disease. Nat Commun., 9(1):1422. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-03802-y.
GOUTY-COLOMER LA, MICHEL FJ, BAUDE A, LOPEZ-PAUCHET C, DUFOUR A, COSSART R, HAMMOND C (2018). Mouse subthalamic nucleus neurons with local axon collaterals. J Comp Neurol., 526(2):275-284. doi: 10.1002/cne.24334
DAMIER, P., HAMMOND, C., BEN-ARI, Y. (2016). Bumetanide to Treat Parkinson Disease: A Report of 4 Cases. Clin.Neuropharmacol. 39, 57-59.
DEHORTER N, HAMMOND C (2014). Giant GABAA receptor mediated currents in the striatum, a common signature of Parkinson’s disease in pharmacological and genetic rodent models. Basal Ganglia (2014) 3:197-201. doi: 10.1016/j.baga.2013.10.001
CARRON R*, FILIPCHUK A*, NARDOU R, SINGH A, MICHEL FJ, HUMPHRIES MD, HAMMOND C (2014). Early hypersynchrony in juvenile PINK1–/– motor cortex is rescued by antidromic stimulation. Front. Syst. Neurosci.2014, 8:95. doi: 10.3389/fnsys.2014.00095
CARRON R, CHAILLET A , FILIPCHUK A, PASILLAS-LEPINE W, HAMMOND C (2013) Closing the loop of deep brain stimulation. Front Syst Neurosci. 2013 Dec 20;7:112.
DEHORTER N, LOZOVAYA N, MDZOMBA BJ, MICHEL FJ, LOPEZ C, TSINTSADZE V, KLIKENBERG M, GISPERT S, AUBURGER G, HAMMOND C (2012) Subthalamic Lesion or Levodopa Treatment Rescues Giant GABAergic Currents of PINK1-Deficient Striatum. J Neuroscience 2012, 32:18047–18053
AMMARI R, BIOULAC B, GARCIA L, HAMMOND C (2011) The subthalamic nucleus becomes a generator of bursts in dopamine-depleted state. Its high frequency stimulation dramatically weakens transmission to globus pallidus. Front Syst Neurosci. 5: 43, 2011.
AMMARI R, LOPEZ C, BIOULAC B, GARCIA L, HAMMOND C (2010).Subthalamic nucleus evokes similar long-lasting excitations in the pallidal entopeduncular and nigral neurons. Neuroscience 2010, 166(3):808-18. 1.
DEHORTER N, GUIGONI C, LOPEZ C, HIRSCH J, EUSEBIO A, BEN ARI Y and HAMMOND C (2009) Dopamine-deprived striatal GABAergic interneurons burst and generate repetitive gigantic IPSCs in medium spiny neurons J Neuroscience 2009, 29(24):7776 –7787.
AMMARI R, LOPEZ C, FIORENTINO H, GONON F and HAMMOND C (2009) A mouse juvenile or adult slice with preserved functional nigro-striatal dopaminergic neurons. Neuroscience, 2009, 159: 3–6
HAMMOND C, AMMARI R, BIOULAC B, GARCIA L (2008) latest view on the mechanism of action of deep brain stimulation. Movement Disorders, 2008, 23:2111-21.
HAMMOND C, BERGMAN H, BROWN P (2007) Pathological synchronization in Parkinson’s disease: networks, models and treatments. Trends in Neurosciences, 2007, 30:357-64.
BEURRIER C, BEN-ARI Y, HAMMOND C (2006) Preservation of the direct and indirect pathways in an in vitro preparation of the mouse basal ganglia. Neuroscience, 2006, 140:77-86
GARCIA L, D’ALESSANDRO G, FERNAGUT PO, BIOULAC B, HAMMOND C (2005) Impact of high frequency stimulation parameters on the pattern of discharge of subthalamic neurons. J. Neurophysiology, 2005, 6:3662-9.
GARCIA L, D’ALESSANDRO G, BIOULAC B, HAMMOND C (2005) High frequency stimulation in Parkinson’s disease: more or less? Trends in Neurosciences, 2005, 28:209-216.
GARCIA L, AUDIN J, D’ALESSANDRO G, BIOULAC B, HAMMOND C (2003) Dual effect of high frequency stimulation on subthalamic neuron activity. J Neuroscience, 2003, 23:8743-8751.
BEURRIER C, BIOULAC B, AUDIN J, HAMMOND C (2001) High-Frequency Stimulation Produces a Transient Blockade of Voltage-Gated Currents in Subthalamic Neurons. J Neurophysiology, 2001, 85(4):1351-1356
BEURRIER C, BIOULAC B AND HAMMOND C (2000) Slowly inactivating sodium current: INaP underlies single-spike activity in rat subthalamic nucleus. J. Neurophysiology, 2000, 83 1951-1957
BEURRIER C, CONGAR P, BIOULAC B AND HAMMOND C (1999) Subthalamic nucleus neurons switch from single-spike activity to burst firing mode. J. Neuroscience, 1999, 19 599-609
MINTZ I, HAMMOND C, GUIBERT B, AND LE VIEL V (1986) Stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus enhances the release of dopamine in the rat substantia nigra. Brain Research, 1986, 376 406-408 Brain Research, 1986, 376 406-408
MINTZ I, HAMMOND C, AND FEGER J (1986) Excitatory effect of iontophoretically applied dopamine on identified neurons of the rat subthalamic nucleus. Brain Research, 1986, 375 172-175
ROUZAIRE-DUBOIS B, HAMMOND C, YELNIK J, AND FEGER J (1984) Anatomy and neurophysiology of subthalamic efferent neurons. Adv. Behavioural Biology, 1984, vol 27, The basal Ganglia. Mac Kenzie JS, Kemm RE, and Wilcock LN, Eds, Plenum Press, New York.
HAMMOND C (1983) Le noyau subthalamique : étude électrophysiologique et morphologique. Essai de définition de son rôle parmi les ganglions de la base. Thèse de doctorat d’état, 1983, Paris.
HAMMOND C, ROUZAIRE-DUBOIS B, FEGER J, JACKSON A, AND CROSSMAN A (1983) Anatomical and Electro-Physiological Studies on the Reciprocal Projections Between the Subthalamic Nucleus and Nucleus Tegmenti Pedunculopontinus in the Rat. Neuroscience, 1983, 9, 41-52
HAMMOND C, ROUZAIRE-DUBOIS B, FEGER J, JACKSON A, AND CROSSMAN A (1983) Branched output neurons of the rat subthalamic nucleus: electrophysiological study of the synaptic effects on identified cells in the two main target nuclei, the entopeduncular nucleus and and the substantia nigra. Neuroscience, 1983, 9 511-520
HAMMOND C, AND YELNIK J (1983) Intracellular labelling of rat subthalamic neurons with HRP: Computer analysis of dendrites and characterization of axon arborization. Neuroscience, 1983, 8 781-790
FEGER J, DENIAU JM, AND HAMMOND C (1980) Non dopaminergic nigral efferents. Adv. Physiol. Sci. vol 2, 1980, Regulatory functions of the CNS, subsystems. Szentagothai J, Hamori J, and Palkovits M, Eds 192-203
RINVIK E, GROFOVA I, HAMMOND C, FEGER J, AND DENIAU JM (1979) A study of the afferent connections to the subthalamic nucleus in the monkey and the rat using the HRP technique in the extrapyramidal systems and its disorders. Adv. in Neurology, 1979, Ed. by Poirier T.L., Sourkes T.L. and Bédart PJ, Raven Press, New York, 53-70
DENIAU JM, HAMMOND C, FEGER J, AND ALBE-FESSARD D (1979) Substantia nigra efferent connections. Applied Neurophysiology, 1979, 42 65-68
HAMMOND C, FEGER J, BIOULAC B, AND SOUTEYRAND JP (1979) Experimental hemiballism in the monkey produced by unilateral kainic acid lesion in corpus Luysii. Brain Research, 1979, 171 577-580
FEGER J, HAMMOND C, AND ROUZAIRE-DUBOIS B (1979) Pharmacological properties of acetylcholine-induced excitation of subthalamic nucleus neurones. Br. J. Pharmacol., 1979, 65 511-515
HAMMOND C, DENIAU JM, ROUZAIRE-DUBOIS B, AND FEGER J (1978) Peripheral input to the rat subthalamic nucleus, an electrophysiological study. Neuroscience Letters, 1978, 9 171-176
DENIAU JM, HAMMOND C, CHEVALIER G, AND FEGER J (1978) Electrophysiological Properties of Identified Output Neurons of Rat Substantia Nigra (Pars Compacta and Pars Reticulata) – Evidences for Existence of Branched Neurons. Neuroscience Letters, 1978, 9 117-121
HAMMOND C, DENIAU JM, RIZSK A, AND FEGER J (1978) Electrophysiological demonstration of an excitatory subthalamo-nigral pathway in the rat. Brain Research, 1978, 151 235-244
DENIAU JM, HAMMOND-LE GUYADER C, FEGER J, AND MACKENZIE JS (1977) Bilateral projection of nigrocollicular neurons: an electrophysiological analysis in the rat. Neuroscience Letters, 1977, 5 45-50
FEGER J, DENIAU JM, HAMMOND-LE GUYADER C, AND OHYE C (1976) Connections from the basal ganglia to the thalamus. Applied Neurophysiology, 1976, 39 272-284
OHYE C, LE GUYADER C, AND FEGER J (1976) Response of subthalamic and pallidal neurons to striatal stimulation: an extracellular study on awake monkeys. Brain Research, 1976, 111 241-252
DENIAU JM, FEGER J, AND LE GUYADER C (1976) Striatal evoked inhibition of identified nigro-thalamic neurons. Brain Research, 1976, 104 152-156