Publications en sciences de l’éducation

THIMONIER J, BRUN-JACOB A, MATHIEU M, DURAND J, FREY-KLETT P, HAMMOND C (2020). The open labs Tous Chercheurs. Med Sci (Paris), 36(3):271-273. doi: 10.1051/medsci/2020029.
MATHIEU M, HAMMOND C, KARLIN DG (2015) An Innovative Lab-Based Training Program to Help Patient Groups Understand Their Disease and the Research Process PLoS Biol 13(2): e1002067.
MINGUENEAU M, CHAIX A, SCOTTI N, CHAIX J, REYNDERS A, HAMMOND C, THIMONIER J (2015), Hands-on experiments on glycemia regulation and type 1 diabetes. Adv. Physiol. Educ., 39(3): 232-239.
MINGUENEAU M, CHAIX A, SCOTTI N, CHAIX J, REYNDERS A, HAMMOND C, THIMONIER J (2015), A multidisciplinary guided practical on type I diabetes engaging students in inquiry-based learning. Adv. Physiol. Educ., 39(4) : 383-391.
VERGNOUX A, ALLARI E, SASSI M, THIMONIER J, HAMMOND C, CLOUZOT L (2011). A multidisciplinary investigation of aquatic pollution and how to minimize it. Journal of Biological Education 2011, 1: 37-49.
HAMMOND C, KARLIN D, THIMONIER J (2010). Creative research science experiences for high school students. PLOS Biology 2010, 21. pii: e1000447.
MOLINATTI G, GIRAULT Y, HAMMOND C (2010). High School Students Debate the Use of Embryonic Stem Cells: The influence of context on decision‐making. International Journal of Science Education, 2010,, 32: 2235-51.
CANNON RC and HAMMOND C (2008). Virtual electrophysiology with SPatch. Brain, Minds and Media. Special issue Interactive Educational Media for the Neural and Cognitive sciences, 2008.